Spatial Sound

Alexander Köppel

Constant Becoming (2019)


Constant Becoming explores listening as a sensory practice and investigates immersive experiences. What is immersion and how can it be facilitated by means of sound and space? Which conditions apply to such experiences and what do they imply concerning the relation of spatial and sonic elements? How do presentation formats and context influence us and can we reach a new understanding of what a listening experience is? What is it that makes someone listen?

Through illustrating and criticizing the role of sound within our society, the text aims to highlight the importance of listening as an activity and reflects on why we should reassess our listening culture and our relation to sound in general. What does listening entail for ourselves, our perception and the development of our environments, foremost our spaces? Looking into various examples of sound and music presentation, technological innovation, as well as our sensory apparatus, the text tries to sketch a contemporary image of our sonic efforts and speculates on altering them for the sake of auditory sensitivity. Ultimately listening is introduced as a means to pursue enriching experiences and through them, unravel a new understanding of immaterial value in life. The essay will be accompanied by different voices from artists and professionals - poetic, personal pieces related to listening and immersion will serve as illustration.

Thesis by Alexander Köppel, who gave a printed copy of this research as part of our Library Outreach initiative.