Spatial Sound

Thomas Vaquié

Musician and composer Thomas Vaquié dedicates most of his time composing music and sound design for moving image, in particular for cinema and documentary. He founded Chocolat-Noisette with Jeff Levillain, a post-production studio based in Brussels. Since 2007 they have been working on sound recording, sound editing and mixing for European movie industry.

Over the last few years he has specialised in music experimentation for audiovisual work with the AntiVJ visual label, creating site­ specific pieces for the Old Port of Montreal’s metallic conveyor tower, in Songdo South Korea’s futurist city project, Hala Stulecia, Poland’s 70m diameter concrete dome or France’s Centre Pompidou Metz designed by Shigeru Ban. Thomas also creates compositions for immersive audiovisual installations, such as AntiVJ’s projects3Destruct, Light Sculptures v2 and Cityscape 2095.

With a strong sense of composition and narrative, sound designer skills and a capacity to project an image sonically, Thomas produces striking, emotional and physical pieces, consistently trying to extend visual experiences into physical ones.

